关于「 ftx」的内容列表

Zhu Su: FTX compensation has been received, but it has just been deposited into Bybit.

Zhu Su posted on the X platform that he finally received the compensation from FTX. After two and a half years, he was happy to get the money back, but he had just deposited it into Bybit.

2025-02-21 15:59:46
Zhu Su:已收到FTX赔付,但刚刚存入Bybit

Zhu Su在X平台发文称,终于收到FTX赔付,两年半过去了,很高兴能拿回这笔钱,但刚刚存入Bybit。

2025-02-21 15:59:46
FTX creditor representative: China and other five regions are temporarily unable to participate in bankruptcy distribution, and Chinese users account for 8%.

FTX creditors' representative Sunil revealed that many FTX claims users are currently from jurisdictions that are temporarily unable to participate in the distribution, including Russia, China, Egypt, Nigeria and Ukraine. FTX is reviewing relevant solutions. Among them, China has the largest number of users, accounting for 8% of the total number of customers.

2025-02-21 11:31:05
FTX债权人代表:中国等五个地区暂无法参与破产分配,中国用户占比达 8%

FTX债权人代表Sunil透露,目前许多 FTX 索赔用户来自暂时无法参与分配的司法管辖区,包括:俄罗斯、中国、埃及、尼日利亚、乌克兰。FTX 正在审查相关解决方案。其中中国用户数量最多,占客户总数的 8%。

2025-02-21 11:31:05
FTX creditor representative: China and other five regions are temporarily unable to participate in bankruptcy distribution

FTX creditor representative Sunil revealed that users in five regions including Russia, China, Egypt, Nigeria and Ukraine are temporarily unable to participate in FTX bankruptcy estate distribution. Among them, China has the largest number of users, accounting for 8% of the total number of FTX users. FTX is reviewing relevant solutions.

2025-02-21 11:25:03
FTX 债权人代表:中国等五个地区暂无法参与破产分配

FTX 债权人代表 Sunil 透露,目前俄罗斯、中国、埃及、尼日利亚和乌克兰等五个地区的用户暂时无法参与 FTX 破产财产分配。其中,中国用户数量最多,占 FTX 总用户数的 8%。FTX 方面正在审查相关解决方案。

2025-02-21 11:25:03
SBF: I was wrongly convicted, and if I continue to deal with liquidity issues on my own, the funds will be safe

SBF, the former CEO and co-founder of FTX, told the New York Sun in a Brooklyn jail that he believes he was wrongfully convicted. Saying his biggest mistake was allowing Sullivan & Cromwell to take over FTX in November 2022, SBF said he should have continued to deal with liquidity issues rather than letting the firm take over and mislead clients. Due to this decision, millions of customers were told that their funds were exhausted and had to wait two years before they started receiving payments,...

2025-02-21 05:26:06

FTX前首席执行官兼联合创始人SBF在布鲁克林监狱接受《纽约太阳报》采访时表示,他认为自己被错误定罪了。 SBF称他最大的错误是在2022年11月允许Sullivan&Cromwell律师事务所接管FTX。他表示,自己本应继续处理流动性问题,而不是让该律所接手并误导客户。 由于这个决定,数百万客户被告知资金已耗尽,不得不等待两年才开始收到付款,而SBF认为这些资金从一开始就应该是安...

2025-02-21 05:26:06
SBF changes political stance to support Trump in first prison interview, suspected of seeking pardon

Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the former CEO and co-founder of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has taken a pro-Trump stance in his first interview since being jailed, in which SBF claimed he was also a victim of the "politicization of the Justice Department" and that he supports more Republican causes than people know. According to an interview with SBF by The New York Sun, SBF gave $40 million to the US Democratic Party and $5.20 million to the Biden camp in 2020. He is currently in Brussels, New York.

2025-02-20 20:23:13
SBF 在首次监狱采访中改变政治立场转向支持特朗普,疑似在争取赦免

加密货币交易所 FTX 前CEO兼联合创始人 Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) 在入狱后的首次采访中采取了支持特朗普的立场,SBF在采访中声称他也是“司法部政治化”的受害者,他支持的共和党事业比人们知道的还要多。 根据 The New York Sun 记者对 SBF 的采访,SBF 在 2020 年向美国民主党提供了 4000 万美元,向拜登阵营提供了 520 万美元。他目前正在纽约布鲁...

2025-02-20 20:23:13
Survey: About 2 million Australian Cryptocurrency Investors Could Influence Next Federal Election

According to a recent Swyftx poll cited by Cointelegraph, cryptocurrency investors could become a significant voter group in Australia's next federal election. According to the survey data released by Australian cryptocurrency exchange Swyftx, about 22% of the 2,031 voters surveyed said they have invested in cryptocurrencies. Among them, 59% of cryptocurrency investors are more likely to vote for pro-cryptocurrency candidates, which is expected to form a pro-blockchain voting group of about 2 mi...

2025-02-20 06:43:56

据Cointelegraph援引Swyftx最新民意调查显示,加密货币投资者可能成为澳大利亚下届联邦选举的重要选民群体。 据澳大利亚加密货币交易所Swyftx发布的调查数据显示,在2,031名受访选民中,约22%的人表示投资过加密货币。其中59%的加密货币投资者更倾向于投票支持亲加密货币的候选人,放在全国范围内预计将形成约200万人的支持区块链的投票群体。

2025-02-20 06:43:56
Kraken completes first fund distribution for FTX estate, pays more than 46,000 creditors

Kraken has completed FTX estate's first distribution of funds to more than 46,000 creditors. Previously, it was reported that FTX intends to start repaying $16 billion creditors on February 18, 2025, with the first phase of repayment of $65- $7 billion. Payments are based on November 2022 prices.

2025-02-19 00:31:04
Kraken完成FTX estate首次资金分配,赔付超46,000名债权人

Kraken 已完成 FTX estate 的首次资金分配,向超过 46,000 名债权人赔付。此前消息,FTX 拟于 2025 年 2 月 18 日开始偿还 160 亿美元债权人,第一阶段将偿还 65-70 亿美元。付款基于 2022 年 11 月的价格。

2025-02-19 00:31:04

FTX 发文宣布,已开始向 FTX 第 11 章重组计划中的便利类别(Convenience Classes)获批索赔持有者进行首次回款分配。客户预计将在 1 至 3 个工作日内收到资金。 下一轮分配的预期登记日期为 2025 年 4 月 11 日,适用于已获批准的 FTX 第 5 类客户权益索赔(Class 5 Customer Entitlement Claims)和 第 6 类一般无担保索赔(Class 6 General Unsecured Claims)的持有者,这些类别均按照重组计...

2025-02-18 18:52:32

7x24 快讯

16:47 2025-03-26
据官方页面信息,币安首批投票上币项目中,BANANAS31(19.4%)、WHY(18.8%)最终排名前二。 此前消息,币安宣布启动首次投票上币活动,用户可对已完成官方尽职调查的代币进行投票,最终排名前两位的代币将获币安上线资格。
16:44 2025-03-26
链上侦探 ZachXBT 于 X 平台发文批评 Hyperliquid 称:“令人气愤的是,Hyperliquid 官方可以随意划线操控价格,但当朝鲜黑客们使用 Radiant 盗窃资金在上面持有一定规模的空单仓位时,他们却无动于衷。”
16:44 2025-03-26
16:26 2025-03-26
据官方公告,币安原定于 2025 年 3 月 26 日 16:15(UTC)上线的 MAVIAUSDT 永续合约,交易开始时间将推迟至 2025 年 3 月 26 日 17:00(UTC)。
16:23 2025-03-26
Hyperliquid上HLP TVL骤减至1.98亿美元
据 Hyperliquid 官网信息,HLP TVL 短时骤减至 1.98 亿美元。 此前消息,HLP TVL 此前高达 2.4 亿美元。
16:17 2025-03-26
CZ 在社交媒体上发文表示:“我知道自己不算聪明。不懂的时候我会承认,也常觉得那些厉害的人一定掌握了什么我不知道的诀窍,才能做到我做不到的事。但偶尔,我会发现:最基础的法则依然适用。” 值得注意的是,CZ 该推文引用了此前‘DEX 不如 CEX’的推文。对此 CZ 特意解释称,为避免混淆,该推文与 HL 事件无关。是自己之前尝试用 BSC 链上 Asther...
16:08 2025-03-26
16:02 2025-03-26
据 Lookonchain 监测,Hyperliquid 在下架 JELLY 前,以 0.0095 美元的价格清算了 3.92 亿枚 JELLY(约合 372 万美元),没有任何损失,反而获利了 70.3 万美元。
15:59 2025-03-26
Arthur Hayes:Hyperliquid根本就不是去中心化的
Arthur Hayes 在社交媒体上发文表示,Hyperliquid 无法处理 JELLY 事件,这根本就不去中心化,更别以为交易员真在乎这事,自己敢打赌 HYPE 很快就会跌回原点。
15:53 2025-03-26
Hyperliquid 在 Discord 上发布回应表示,在发现可疑市场活动后,验证者委员会经投票决定下架 JELLY 永续合约。 除标记地址外,所有用户损失将由 Hyper 基金会全额补偿。补偿将基于链上数据在未来几天自动执行,无需提交工单。具体实施方案将在后续公告中详细说明。与其他公链类似,验证者时常需集体协商并采取果断行动以维护网络完整性。Hyperli...
15:50 2025-03-26
AC锐评Hyperliquid HLP清算事件:仓位大小不是杠杆的固定函数,DeFi不应有固定值杠杆
针对此前”某地址效仿此前 Hyperliquid 上 50 倍杠杆巨鲸操作把 3.98 亿枚 JELLY 空单甩给 Hyperliquid,引发 Hyperliquid 金库面临清算和损失“一事,Sonic Labs 联创 Andre Cronje 于 X 平台发文称:仓位大小不是杠杆的固定函数,而是依赖于可用流动性和实现波动性,小仓位可以是 1000 倍杠杆,大仓位只有 1.2 倍。在 DeFi 中不能有固定值。
15:44 2025-03-26
据市场消息显示,Hyperliquid 下架 JELLYJELLY 并以 0.0095 美元的有利价格完成结算,没有损失任何资金。